giovedì 21 gennaio 2016

OTTOmani interviewed by "Gazeta Zëri"

OTTOmani was recently interviewed by Leurina Mehmeti, journalist of "Gazeta Zëri", kosovan newspaper based in Pristina, talking about the experience of collaboration with Anibar Animation Festival in Peja.

OTTOmani è stata recentemente intervistata da Leurina Mehmeti, giornalista di "Gazeta Zëri", giornale del Kosovo basato a Pristina, parlando dell'esperienza di collaborazione con l'Anibar Animation Festival di Peja.

The article's title Is "Workshops animation as education for children" and was published in January, 18 2016 in newspaper's cultural pages.

Il titolo dell'articolo è "I laboratori di cinema di animazione come educazione per i bambini" è stato pubblicato il 18 Gennaio 2016 nelle pagini culturali del giornale.

Here's a brief synopsis of the interview made by Leurina Mehmeti asking some questions to Roberto Paganelli, representing OTTOmani that, in August 2015, for the second time has collaborate with Anibar Animation Festival in Peja to realize a workshop in animated cinema for a group of youth of the city.

Ecco un breve riassunto dell'intervista fatta da Leurina Mehmeti chiedendo alcune domande a Roberto Paganelli, rappresentante ottomani che, nel mese di agosto 2015, per la seconda volta ha collaborato con Anibar Film Festival a Peja per realizzare un laboratorio di cinema d'animazione per un gruppo di giovani della città.

"OTTOmani association is only one of the five in Italy, whose purpose is to educate children through animation and about animation. And so they have brought the “OTTOmani” experience in Kosovo. OTTOmani held workshops in two editions in the Animation Film Festival “Anibar” where they worked with children and made animated movies. One of the movies was called “Speca Dollma” the idea was to create an animation about a traditional Albanian food. For the Italian artist Roberto Paganelli his stay in Peja was one of the most exciting ad unique ones. “My stay and work in Peja was a beautiful experience but most of all it is an opportunity to meet the special persons of Anibar”

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